Leave Grandpa.

"I'm gonna leave," you say. "You can come if you want."

Your grandpa gives you a pleading look. "Don't leave, Syd. Where will you go?"

"I'll go to that little villiage down south..."

"It's three hours away in the car, Sydney. I don't think you understand how big Giantopolis is. Besides, if that meteor is as large as I think it is, there's no escaping it."

You glance around, swallowing hard. "I'm still going."

Your grandfather sighs. "Whatever, Syd. Do what you want. The car keys are underneath the doormat."

He hugs you. "See ya soon, kid. Your parents would be proud."

You pull away and nod. You walk over to the coat rack and retrieve your favorite jacket. You slip it on and walk out the door, leaving your grandpa behind.

Your parents would be proud.
